The Secret Wiki
Victor Thomas Jefferson Volt
Victor 1
Gender Male
Species Human
Age early/mid 20's
Planet Earth
Occupation U.Z.Z Agent
Relatives Mildred Volt (mother)

Lionel Volt (father)

Status Alive
First Appearance The Secret Thing
Voiced By Alan Marriott

Victor Thomas Jefferson Volt is one of the main characters, along with Anita Knight, Professor Professor, and Changed Daily. He was an American recruit of U.Z.Z., along with Kowalski and Kent B. Trusted (among a few other U.Z.Z.) agents. He and Anita had appeared in all of the episodes.


Victor is a young man who is around the same height as Anita (though a bit taller) and Ray. He had black eyes and dark orange 1950's rockabilly style hair. He wears his signature blue U.Z.Z suit which consisted of a blue long sleeved shirt and blue pants, a black utility belt and black shoes.

In "The Secret Room", though it was a bit difficult to see, he appeared to wear a pair of pink colored underwear. 

In "Secret Sleep", he owns a set of dark blue PJ's.

In "Wobble Men from Dimention 10" he owns a set of green footie pajamas, as well as a green shirt with white sleeves and matching pants. On the front, there appears to be a lion on it (which are a bit too small on him)

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A bit of Victor's underwear

Victor child

Victor as an 8 year old boy.


Victor is one of the main protagonists of the show, being one of the two top agents of U.Z.Z. (first being Anita Knight) He was first chosen to be an agent at a comic book convention, chosen the way almost everybody was chosen (excluding Anita). He is also known for being Professor Professor's 'lab rat' as he was usually the one prone to his experiments. In "Victor of the Future", he took over Changed Daily's position as U.Z.Z. leader.


Victor was recruited at a comic book convention, and had a love of comic books and video games in general. He worked as one of U.Z.Z's top agents. His parents were secret agents as well. However, Victor was not aware of it until "The Wobble Men of Dimension 10", when Professor Professor mentioned it onstage. It was revealed the episode "Victor of the Future" that Victor would've taken over Changed Daily's place as leader of U.Z.Z.


Victor is charismatic and curious. His attitude and maturity tended to vary depending on the situation. Most of the time he would act extremely immature and accidentally harm others (in most cases he would even cause most of the major conflicts of the show). He was a bit short-tempered and he was prone to losing his cool when things did not go his way. He was arrogant and cocky as he dove head-first into the situation before he thought.

In other situations he could be extremely diligent and save the day. He could show jealousy whenever he felt bested by another person, such as with Alphonse and even Zack Meadows. He acted this way towards Zack Meadows because of his charming nature, and towards Alphonse for reasons unknown, (though this may be due to his charming nature, his flirting with Anita everytime they come into contact, or because Alphonse resented him).

Overall, he is very caring towards his friends and family, even going as far as attempting to join his father in Dimension 10 in The Wobble Men from Dimension Ten and saving Anita from the Chef in When Good Food Goes Bad.




Victor and Anita are partners who always worked together to save the day, though they often tend to bicker from time to time due to Victor leading them into to trouble. Despite this, they are good friends (maybe even best friends) and can put aside their differences aside if needed. Victor seems to deeply care about her, such as in "When Good Food Goes Bad" when he tried to escape his prison cell to save her from being baked into a pie.

In Super Vic, he even went as far as to call her his "best buddy" and decided to fight Eartha Quaker together rather than without the cape, showing the bond between their friendship.

Professor Professor[]

Victor and Professor Professor had a bit of a strained relationship due to Victor being used as a test subject in his "highly untested and totally dangerous" experiments, which usually ended up in him getting hurt in some way. He found him annoying and usually got upset with him, either for asking whether or not he was still alive when clearly he wasn't, or just generally being unhelpful when he needed him in dangerous situations.

Changed Daily[]

The relationship between Victor and Changed Daily is unknown since they had not interacted much. But he does respect him as a leader and an authority figure.

Special Agent Ray[]

Occasionally, Ray worked with Victor (mostly as backup) but they had been shown to interact with each other from time to time, particularly in the episodes Alien Attack, where he was part of the vegitarian task force with Victor and The Secret Thing where he attempted to convince Ray to get into the U.Z.Z base without a pass, even though it ended up being an impostor disguised as Victor.


